Search engine optimization and online marketing are subject to constant change. in order to be able to assert oneself successfully as a company in one’s industry, one must react in order to be one step ahead of the competition. those who don’t go with the times, go with the times, it is known that there is nothing better than to make confident with current statistics. What has changed in 2019 regarding SEO? This infographic shows useful SEO and Online Marketing information such as all relevant ranking factors in 2019 or average CPC in different states. Backlinks, Content, RankBrain and OnPage are very important in 2019 to achieve good Google Rankings. To what extent do SEOs have to consider the click-through-rate, which depends on the respective Google position? Where is online advertising for online marketing and advertising services most expensive? All this is answered by this clever infographic, which every SEO and Online marketer should have hanging over his bed!
Source: SEO facts & definition